Inland Fisheries Ireland issue updated angling guidelines

Inland Fisheries Ireland has updated its advice regarding angling to reflect the latest Government and NPHET advice.

As and from May 6, anglers may fish in a location less than or equal to 5km from home.

Further guidance is available at

Open Fisheries

IFI owned/managed state fisheries are open with the exception of the Galway and Moy fisheries.

ESB fisheries are now also open.

The status of private and club run fisheries is a matter for the fishery manager/committee.

Information regarding the purchase of permits and salmon licences is available online at

Inland Fisheries Irelands will continue to monitor the situation and make further updates as appropriate in line the Governments Roadmap for reopening society and business.

WCP Staff

WCP Staff Writer

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Greens call for efforts to support businesses and social distancing requirements in towns and urban centres

Wed May 6 , 2020
Green Party Councillor for Cork City South West, Colette Finn, has joined the Party’s spokesperson for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Steven Matthews TD in calling on Local Authorities to consider allowing businesses including restaurants and cafés access to the public footpath in some areas of town centres free of charge […]
