provides €1 million grant to help Irish NGOs fight repercussions of Covid-19

FoofCloud is one of the NGOs to receive a grant from

Google Ireland has this week announced that Google’s philanthropic arm, will provide €1 million in grants to Irish NGOs to help deal with the impact and repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The grants will be split across two equal parts, the first of which will fund NGOs whose work is addressing specific aspects of the crisis including FoodCloud, ALONE, A Lust for Life and the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre. In addition, the grants will provide support to Google’s local communities in Ringsend/Pearse Street and Clondalkin/Tallaght through the Ringsend Community Services Forum and South Dublin County Partnership.

The second phase of the grant funding will see providing support to Irish NGOs who are focused on supporting job seekers and SMEs across Ireland in finding opportunity and rebuilding livelihoods.

Nick Leeder, Head of Google in Ireland said, “Since Government public health measures were introduced, Google has been working to adapt our services to better support Irish communities and businesses. In times of crisis Google’s key focus is providing people with timely and accurate information and the tools they need to stay connected. We also want to ensure that the vital services provided by many Irish NGOs can continue during a time when they are needed more than ever, which is why we are providing these grants. 

We also want to help Ireland’s SMEs rebuild once the immediate crisis has passed, which is why we are dedicating half of the grant funds to Ireland’s recovery effort, to help the most vulnerable groups who have been impacted most by the crisis restart and rebuild. ”  

Noeline Blackwell, CEO, DRCC, one of the grantees to receive funding from said, “People in abusive environments are particularly vulnerable in times of crisis, and the impacts of Covid-19 will exacerbate already dangerous and volatile situations. We are working tirelessly to continue to support those who are vulnerable, but unfortunately like many other NGOs and charities, we are experiencing the repercussions of this outbreak. The grant will help us continue to provide vital support to victims and those who are vulnerable.” 

The first part of the grant will launch immediately, while will work with trade groups, civil society and small businesses to identify where to best direct the second phase of funding once the immediate crisis has passed. 

The NGOs that have received funding from this part of the grant are: FoodCloud; Alone; Dublin Rape Crisis Centre; A Lust for Life Ringsend Community Services Forum; South Dublin Community Partnership.

WCP Staff

WCP Staff Writer

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