Let’s face it: January tends to be most people’s pet hate! The days are dark and gloomy and the nights are cold and wet. Some say they are broke, some are consumed with guilt after ‘doing the dog’ on their healthy diet over the holidays and the ‘dreaded flu’ is […]
Health & Lifestyle
Most Irish people don’t have any fond memories of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Maggie will always be remembered for her ‘Out, Out, Out’ remarks 36 years ago when, after an Anglo-Irish summit, she reiterated that Northern Ireland was part of the UK. However, Mrs Thatcher did us all […]
Many people were pleased to say goodbye to 2019 and, yes, it was a very hard year. 2020 is a turning point and you may already feel the winds of change blowing. There is good cause to have optimism and anticipate good things ahead. This year begins a new decade […]
“And now we welcome the New Year, full of things that have never been.” I no longer make New Year resolutions, but I deliberately set aside time to reflect on the year gone by and set intentions for the coming year. I am incredibly grateful to have welcomed in this […]
Donogh O’Loghlin founded his environmentally friendly plumbing business, Ecoplumb.ie, in 2001. It is the longest ECO listed business in Ireland. With nearly 30 years’ experience he has been involved with renewables and innovative products for over 20 years. In 2014 he was involved with the development of a new type […]
Happy New Year everyone! For 2020, make preserving the health of your skin your New Year goal. The skin is the body’s largest organ, and it deserves to be given extra love and care yet unlike other New Year resolutions, adhering to a skincare routine is easy and manageable. It […]