It’s that Spring time of year again. The light is back. The winter cobwebs are suddenly visible everywhere, and I am infused with house cleaning energy. It seizes me every Spring, but this year it has started early and threatens to actually make a big difference. It’s not the weather, […]

It’s been a long and drawn out January. Though the weather has been mild, it still felt twice as long it should be. It just kept dragging on. I know it’s not just me, as many of my friends have also been complaining… So, it was really welcome to wake […]

They say that time speeds up as you get older, and I for one can attest that it is speeding up for me. Where did the last decade go? In fact, where did the last 20 years go? It’s a funny feeling to look back to the pre-Boom/Bust/Brexit days as […]

There’s no denying that we are well into Autumn. The landscape is rapidly shedding its summer greens and moving into the russets and browns of the season, the evening stretch is no longer, and the desire to light the fire and curl up on the sofa grows stronger every day; […]

Before you ask – No my house has not been painted yet. Every week this August we have looked forward to D-day the following week, only to have our hopes dashed by heavy rain on Monday morning, or the disappearance of our painter who was busy finishing up some inside […]
