Have you ever watched a movie and wondered why the bad guy always has a scar on his face? Maybe you haven’t noticed, but if you sit and think about it, the archetypical bad guy in every movie, TV show, sitcom and even cartoon, always has some form of a […]
The syphilis outbreak sparked a surge in wigmaking. Victims hid their baldness, as well as the bloody sores that covered their head and faces, with wigs made of horse, goat, or human hair. Are you familiar with the term ‘Bigwig’? If so, are you aware of its derivation? It is […]
We take them for a walk in the evening, throw their favourite ball as far as we can so they can excitedly chase it, we toss a stick into a lake so they can have a little swim, we watch films with them, we pat them on the head, we […]
The scale of loss in World Wat One, as well as the brutality of it, are almost incalculable. To try and articulate the misery it caused to its victims, would simply do the effects an injustice. The volume of casualties, the cannon-fodder tactics and the extreme harshness of the conditions […]
Having read the title of this piece, I can say with some confidence that the first word ‘Swastika’ brought immediately to your mind’s eye, the stereotypical swastika that Hitler used for his Nazi Party. The swastika that represented hate, discrimination and evokes revulsion today in the 21st century. The swastika […]