Fine Gael Senator for Cork South West, Tim Lombard has welcomed the Government’s announcement of changes and enhancements to the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme.
These changes mean that more employees will now receive a subsidy of €350 per week, and those with previous net pay below €412 per week will now receive a greater level of subsidy at 85 per cent of net wages rather than 70 per cent as previously applied. These changes will apply for payroll with a pay date on or after May 4 and received by the Revenue Commissioners on or after that date. Furthermore, there are no changes to the eligibility criteria for Employers.
Senator Lombard said: “I welcome the changes and enhancements announced by the Government in respect of the Temporary Wage Subsidy scheme. They will ensure that all employees on below €412 a week net will receive a subsidy of 85 per cent of their net wages, up from 70 per cent and also ensures that all employees are now eligible under this scheme.
“I would encourage local employers whose businesses have been impacted by the COVID-19 to avail of this Government Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme.
“We understand the financial difficulties and strain this Pandemic is causing for businesses and their employees. This emergency wage support scheme has been designed to support employee wages, whilst maintaining the link between employer and employee as well as ensuring that businesses can survive and come through this COVID-19 induced economic downturn period.”