Cork Education and Training Board has been given the green light by the Department of Education and Skills for an extension to St. Brogan’s College, Bandon, which will see the school expand to cater for 1,000 students.

Cork ETB Chief Executive Denis Leamy said this is great news for Bandon as St. Brogan’s College plays a vital role in the community.
“The extension will enable student numbers to increase to meet the growing demand for post-primary school places in Bandon. Cork ETB has always been committed to providing the best possible options in terms of education.
“This is an extremely positive development in servicing the educational needs of Bandon and its hinterland. This will further enhance the educational experience of the 600, and eventually, 1,000 students attending St. Brogan’s College and future generations. I am particularly thrilled for the pupils, parents and staff of St. Brogan’s College,” he added.
St. Brogan’s Principal Helen Cadogan said they are delighted that the Department of Education and Skills has granted approval to St. Brogan’s College for a major extension.
She pointed out that the mission statement of the school is: “We strive to be a happy, safe, caring and inclusive community where everyone is supported to reach their potential.”
Principal Cadogan said these state-of-the-art new facilities will ensure that the school continues to deliver this mission and serve the people of Bandon and its environs.
“The school is indebted to the Board of Management and Cork ETB for their continued support in seeking this extension. We are also deeply grateful to the parents who support us, to our wonderful students and our hard-working, dedicated and caring staff and we look forward to being able to provide them with the best of facilities,” she added.
More than 30 new classrooms and special education facilities will be delivered in the new extension. It will comprise of nineteen general classrooms, new science laboratories, art rooms, along with a new staff room and canteen facilities. The procurement process for the appointment of the design team will commence in the coming weeks.
The project will be delivered on a phased basis to meet the growth of enrolments, but priority for the delivery of much-needed specialist rooms will form part of the first phase of the development.