Bandon native and Emergency Department Nurse Paul Creagh is shaving off his beard of 15 years this evening to raise funds for Marymount Hospital and Bandon Day Care Centre for the elderly.
“As an Emergency Department Nurse, the current situation means we need to wear protective masks, so my beard must finally go,” says Paul.
“So I thought why not raise some money for great causes, especially with Daffodil Day having missed out this year and Dad’s anniversary being this week.”
Paul has already far exceeded his original target of €800, reaching almost €7,000 with generous donations still coming in.
“It’s been an unreal response,” Paul commented. “Thank you so much for the support and amazing generosity that will help two great causes. With great teamwork, we can all do our bit to help each other through these difficult times. We can work together to help slow this down; follow the advice from the HSE and WHO, so my colleagues and I can continue to care for and help those who need it.”
To donate go to https://www.gofundme.com/f/beard-shaving-for-marymount