There is a softness in the air today as I contemplate this month’s topic, soft rain outside and a real feeling of softness inside. Having been lucky enough to have had almost two weeks of heat and rest on holiday with beautiful friends, I am fuelled and resourced with a feeling of wellness and readiness. It had been years since I had a holiday like this, and I was very conscious of being present for it. Admittedly, I did not maintain my formal meditation practice as I would at home but used my breath, body and intentionality to stay in the moment. There is a thirty-second meditation practice by Dr Rick Hanson, called ‘Taking in the Good’ that I often refer to, that was utilised many times over the break, a kind of ‘banking’ of the gorgeous feelings of summer and soaking in the goodness that no doubt will stand to us in the Winter months. I used my journal to embed the memories even more.
One of the joys of being away from our usual schedules is that we have plenty of time to notice existing habits and change or develop new ones. One of my favourite ways of soaking in the good was to consciously stand or lie stock still and feel the heat enveloping my entire body, the feelings of perspiration on my face and skin, the discomfort and the ease, all of it. Sinking into whatever surface I was connecting with, sand or earth, beach towel or bed, saying to myself things like, “I am here, I am here, now. I am so grateful for this. I will remember this”. By being present in the first place, using this simple pause to notice the good feeling and purposefully take it in, helps add to our memory store.
Another absolute delight of holidays was having no laptop and limited access to emails, phone, facebook and WhatsApp. This limitation was self-imposed by intentionally leaving my phone behind and always having it on silent, only checking it morning and evening. The headspace which this simple change created was phenomenal. Using eyes, ears and other senses instead of technology to ‘bank’ a memory, instead of the phone. Admitting that we have an addiction is not easy. It was my intention before the holiday to attempt to tackle my own distractions, particularly an addiction to the phone, by taking a more balanced approach to checking messages, and so on. This is still very much a work in progress, but having the intention and motivation to change a habit is a good starting point.
And as much as it’s lovely to go on holidays, there is something so lovely about coming home too. Starting over, renewed and refreshed, each breath is a new beginning. Now that there is some spare fuel in the tank, I intend to use the rest of this slow summertime to fuel up even more, and go right back to basics, developing and deepening my own mindfulness meditation practice, availing of continuing professional development opportunities, and so on. I was so delighted to return to my drop-in mindfulness meditation group at CECAS, Myross Wood. This is a very special place of peace and presence where many others long before us have sat in stillness. Anyone inspired to give mindfulness meditation a go please get in touch or just come along; it is so supportive to meditate together in a group and in this beautiful space. Beginners and newcomers are always welcome.
In September I will be facilitating another Reconnect and Re-engage programme for family carers at CECAS, Myross Wood, Leap. I can relate very much to many of the issues faced by family carers, having been one myself. Family carers are a group of people close to my heart. This is my fourth year delivering this free mindfulness-based programme for family carers in conjunction with CECAS. This is a down-to-earth and nourishing programme where we spend time, in a gentle and supported way, connecting with ourselves, others and with nature. Once completed, people then have the opportunity, if they wish, to join a monthly mindfulness/peer support gathering for family carers, which has been running for over a year now, where friendship, understanding and mutual support have grown and blossomed.
This year’s Reconnect and Re-engage family carers programme runs on three consecutive weeks from 10.30am-1.30pm and includes a light lunch. The dates are as follows; Wednesday, September 25 and October 2, 9. It is free of charge thanks to the support of Cork ETB and the 2024 REACH fund.
Drop-in mindfulness sessions at CECAS, Myross Wood, Leap on Tuesday mornings through-out the summer months (August 6, 13, 20 and 27) from 10-11am. €12. All are welcome to join this wonderful community of practice.
For more information, phone: 087 2700572 or email: susanoreganmindfulness@gmail.com