Teertha Ordish is in the enviable business of transforming people’s lives. While life coach and educator are in her job description, the Ballydehob-based shamanic practitioner, who was brought up in a deeply spiritual family, is so much more than this, having committed most of her adult life to the study and practice of shamanic healing, energy work and tantra. In the Western world we have been conditioned to associate the word tantra with sex and, while sexuality does represent a part of it, tantra is so much more, inevitably bringing those who embrace it on a path of self-development and spiritual awakening. In Sanskrit ‘tantra’ means woven together, referring to the relationship between our physical and spiritual selves, with conscious touch playing an important role.
Some of Teertha’s teachings focus on consent, boundaries and human relationships, taking those who learn from her on a path that works toward mindfulness and connection outside of oneself, in all aspects of life.
One of her upcoming workshops ‘The Art of Choice, Communication and Connection,’ is based around somatic consent, which builds clarity and connection to self, as well as bonding in relationship with others. Teertha focuses her teaching on somatic awareness, which can help us identify and understand our unconscious behaviours, break down the barriers of conditioning and understand how transformative and healing touch can be if it is something we want.
“If someone has unwanted touch in their life, somatic consent can help them understand that they can say no to it,” explains Teertha. “On the other side of it, there are many people who have been touch-deprived, who may want touch and intimacy but don’t know how to simply ask for a hug or to be held. Sometimes this means that they reach for the nearest thing to this, which oftentimes is sex; this just makes them feel more vulnerable, ashamed and not in control.
“Quite often someone will override what they’re actually feeling with what they think they should or are expected to do, especially if that person is a people pleaser,” she adds.
Teertha teaches communication around consent and making empowered choices so we know how to respond to an invitation for touch confidently, therefore not having to rely on those inbuilt survival mechanisms that can lead down a self-destructive path.
“Platonic touch can be so healing and transformative but we tend to pull away from it due to a fear of it being sexualised,” she says.
Within a safe space, the somatic consent workshop focuses on teaching participants how to activate their hands, improving the quality of touch, exploring consensual touch, and learning how to separate doing from giving while also discovering deeper layers of receiving. The tools taken away can deepen capacity for authentic connection in personal or professional life, effectively making life more rich, exciting and fulfilling.
Participants have described the workshop as insightful and transformative. John would encourage anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of themselves and make positive steps forward, to attend it. “I found it to be truly uplifting, enlightening and indeed life-changing. If you enter with an open mind and heart, determined to listen and to discover your own inner truth, you will be most richly and generously rewarded.”
Rebecca, who has been on a healing journey for the past 10 years says “this workshop has definitely been one of the best decisions I have made in my quest to understand myself more, release trauma, learned conditioning, and heal. Teertha is a beautiful woman and a kind soul who has an innate ability to understand and help others reach their true potential and embody their light.”
Daithi shares how “working with Teertha has been some of the most important personal development I’ve done to date and the most beautiful gift I could have ever given myself.
“Although I recognise I’m a work in progress, I remain on the pathway to becoming the man I want to be and look forward to beginning a new journey with her…”
Teertha Ordish provides personal development trainings and workshops for groups; and private sessions for individuals and couples.
For more information on Teertha’s somatic consent workshop (next training in West Cork starting October) or to book a place please contact her by email info@teerthaordish.com or phone 087 411 9622