Amanda Roe: Acupuncture and Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Call 087 6331898
Email: amanda@roehealth.ie
Women face diverse health challenges during their reproductive years, from menstrual irregularities to fertility struggles, pregnancy-related issues, and postpartum recovery.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbalism are the cornerstones of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and have been treating gynaecological issues successfully for thousands of years. TCM takes a holistic approach to understanding and treating the body in terms of qi (energy), blood (nutrition), yin and yang, zangfu (internal) organs, jing (essence), shen (spirit) and the meridian (channel) system, which connect every tissue in the body. Although the language is different, the benefits of acupuncture and Chinese herbalism are now being recognised in the West as time-tested, evidence-supported methods that address gynaecology concerns holistically.
One of the most common reasons women seek out TCM is to manage menstrual irregularities and pain, including conditions such as dysmenorrhea (painful periods) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle can also lead to cramps, bloating, mood swings, and fatigue. Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the body, which can regulate the flow of qi (energy) and blood to reduce inflammation, enhance circulation and balance hormones. Herbal medicine treats the root imbalances within the body.
For women trying to conceive, this approach enhances natural and assisted fertility by improving blood flow to the ovaries and uterus and balancing hormone levels that regulate the cycle, improving AMH, egg quality and reducing stress. Stress is a significant factor that can disrupt ovulation and therefore conception, TCM helps to modulate the stress response by calming the mind and regulating cortisol and other stress-related hormones.
For those undergoing assisted reproductive technologies such as in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) or Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) the enhanced circulation to the uterus and ovaries promotes a receptive endometrium and healthier follicles. Research shows that acupuncture performed before and after embryo transfer is improving implantation rates and pregnancy outcomes.
During pregnancy TCM alleviates common symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, back pain, and fatigue, offering a drug-free alternative for symptom management. Additionally, it can address more complex concerns, such as pregnancy-induced hypertension or breech presentation.
From week 37, acupressure and acupuncture are used to encourage natural labour by stimulating uterine contractions and softening the cervix reducing the need for medical interventions during delivery.
The postpartum period is a critical time for a woman’s recovery. TCM views this period as one of rebuilding and restoring, with a focus on rejuvenation and addressing issues such as postnatal depression, hormonal imbalances, lactation diffculties, and fatigue.
If you are looking for a personalised holistic approached tailored to your individual needs then Chinese medicine not only alleviates symptoms but also supports women in achieving optimal health and wellbeing during this pivotal phase of life.
Amanda Roe is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Acupuncturist and Herbalist who uses a range of holistic therapies including dietary guidance to improve fertility, emotional and mental health. Supporting natural recovery from trauma, eating disorders and other mind/body illness. for more information or to book a consultation visit www.roehealth.ie or call/text Amanda on: 087 6331898