This month we’d like you to join us on a mission. Winter has always been what we humans have pickled and preserved for. We freeze, we dry and we can. These are all great ways to save food but, as our lives have modernised, so have our shopping options. We no longer need to stretch out the contents of our pantry to the last jar of preserved pears. These winter months, while it’s quiet and dark, are a great opportunity to revisit the ‘old ways’ and work through those freezers and pantries full of the ‘froze-and-forgotten’ and ‘slowly expiring’… It’s time for a deep dive into the cavernous depths of the cupboard and icy abyss to reclaim what’s rightfully yours before it turns into an unidentifiable freezer fossil!
If you’re anything like us, your freezer is a chaotic mix of good intentions and abandoned meal prep experiments. Maybe there’s a bag of peas that has been in there since who knows when or some unlabelled, rock-hard lump that you are fairly sure is pizza dough but haven’t had the courage to thaw.
So, here’s our monthly challenge/tip: ‘eat as much as you can from your freezer and food store for the next month, while buying as little food as possible’. Not only does this clear space, but it also saves money and reduces waste.
The Strategy
• Take inventory: What’s actually in there? Create a list of everything you want to eat up, so you can remember what you found. If you find a single, sad waffle – congratulations, that’s now your midnight snack. If you find foods that you bought on a whim and know you will never use (I’m looking at you sorghum flour) offer it to a friend, freecycle group or foodbank.
• Meal plan around what you have: If you’re sitting on 12 bags of frozen spinach, it’s time to become a smoothie person. Saag paneer, anyone?
• Get creative: Chickpeas in everything? Sure. Frozen bread? French toast time. A suspiciously old bag of shredded cheese? Melt it, and we pretend it’s fine. If you thought you found curry but turns out it was applesauce? You’ve solved that mystery and can practice your pivot – apple crumble time!
• Buy only what’s necessary: Fresh veg and essentials only – no restocking until you’ve made a dent in the overstocked shelves and frozen food graveyard.
• By the end of next month, you’ll have saved money, avoided unnecessary waste, and finally figured out what that mystery takeaway tupperware was holding (hopefully not disappointment).
• So, let’s do this! Take the challenge, embrace the freezer excavation, and share your weirdest, most unexpected meal creations with us on online @voiceireland.
Calling all Clonakilty-based food businesses
We need your help. Along with Clonakilty Tidy Towns and the Community College we are asking all food vendors in Clonakilty to fill out this short survey about sachet use (ketchup/butter etc). We are working towards making Clonakilty the first ‘sachet-free’ town in Ireland! Just scan the QR code to begin – all responses much appreciated, thank you.
February events
Please email allison@voiceireland.org for more info or to register to any of these events
All month – Many primary schools will be having visits from chef Gillian Hegarty and gardener Jean Perry this month as a part of ‘Waste Not, Want Not’. Kids will be learning some great simple recipes to use up leftovers and pack their own lunches, as well as bringing egg-box micro salad gardens home.
Saturday, February 22, 11am – Composting Workshop with Patrick Cotter. Learn about the ins and outs of composting systems for your home or community garden, email for full details.
Saturday, February 22 and Sunday, February 23 – Winter Apple Work and Clonakilty Apple Mapping Project with apple expert Cillian Boyd. Cillian was down for our Apple Festival and will be back to host a weekend of talks, hands-on grafting workshops and more to put Clonakilty’s apples on the map Email for full details.
Thursday, February 27, 7:30pm at the Park Hotel – Calling all food establishments, schools, councillors, and Tidy Towns members – Let’s make Clonakilty the first ‘Sachet-free town’ in Ireland! Modelled on the success of the Killarney Cup project, ‘Stop the Sachets’ aims to eliminate the use of sachets such as ketchup, mayo, and vinegar in and around Clonakilty. Please RSVP using QR code.
Friday, February 28 – What Happens to Your Recycling? A visit to Forge Hill Recycling Centre (near Cork airport). Leaving by bus from Clonakilty at 9am, back around 12pm co-hosted by Clonakilty Tidy Towns. A talk and tour with opportunity to ask those burning recycling related questions! It should be a great educational experience! Email for full details.