Artist Jackie Nevin and Dunmanway library are enjoying an extraordinary response to their collaborative art project ‘Bringing Outside In’. The library window, a focal point in the town, is home to a series of wonderful sculptures that celebrate the natural world. Dunmanway library has collated and presents books and activities relating to a range of topics including habitat, birds and spiders.
“The planet in crisis is spoken of consistently and is a growing cause for anxiety in children and young people,” says Jackie Nevin. ‘Bringing Outside In’ is engaging the public with Nature in a positive way through art. “It has started a huge number of conversations and prompted people to go off and explore nature for themselves,” says librarian Diane. Library manager Sharon O’Mahony said, “it is a pleasure to see so many people, of all ages, engage with Jackie’s art, many of whom would not normally have access to galleries.“
Given the fantastic response from the public to this project, there have been numerous requests from other libraries to host the exhibition and Jackie, who is currently in discussions with the Library and Arts service hope the project will travel to other Libraries in Co. Cork.
Jackie acknowledged and expressed thanks to the exceptional staff in Dunmanway library and to the Arts Council of Ireland for supporting her research which cumulated in this project.