Pictured at the launch of a special pilot scheme by Cork County Council for Bantry businesses were Sharon Corcoran Director of Economic Development & Tourism at Cork County Council, Kevin Curran, Head of Enterprise,and Deirdre O’Mahony, Senior Business Development Officer, Local Enterprise Office Cork North and West. Cork County Council […]

David Hagan is a farmer who is dedicated to helping the farming industry  “do more with less”. His role as Sustainable Agricultural Manager with Devenish – a company that specialises in quality animal nutrition and sustainability – brings him often to work with farmers in West Cork. The philosophy behind […]

It’s estimated that between 9,000 and 11,000 people sustain a traumatic brain injury annually in Ireland with a further 8,000 being diagnosed with a stroke. Every brain injury is different. Every person has his or her own story to tell. Cathy McCarthy from Ring in Clonakilty shares her story with […]

Young entrepreneur James Gale (22) based in Kinsale believes in aiming and achieving high. The creator of StampOwl and SwiftFox tells Mary O’Brien that he sees himself running a multi-million euro business and providing employment for a lot of people in ten years time. “I would like to help Elon […]
