Not all sunscreens are created equal! Here’s how to get top level protection from sunscreens that use only safe, natural ingredients (and why it’s so important to avoid the sunscreens that don’t). Most of us can spend a small amount of time in the sun without an SPF and benefit […]
Dare to be well
The internet abounds with what people are calling ‘Bio-hacks’, meaning Do-It-Yourself ways of improving health and wellbeing. Here are three of my favourite health boosts – cheap and easy; in my opinion, these are the perfect DIY health hacks for a healthy and graceful middle age. 1. Flaxseeds Flax seeds […]
Have you heard about a product called Black Seed oil? It is the oil of the seeds of the Nigella sativa plant. It’s something we have sold in Organico for a number of years, and over that time we have registered that people were finding it beneficial. We sell a […]
Summer is coming, and Glengarriff is about to burst into a glorious riot of colourful flowers. Great news for most of us, as we welcome the lengthening of the days, unfortunately for others this means the start of the dreaded hay fever season. Hayfever is not something I have suffered […]
Photo : Marilyn Glenville We recently welcomed nutritionist and author Marilyn Glenville to Bantry to give a talk in the Maritime Hotel, which was a huge success with a turnout of over 80 people (more than had attended the Cork event the previous evening – not that we’re counting!). This […]
Fertility is an odd topic, and one that makes a lot of people very uncomfortable. It’s not something that got a lot of airplay traditionally in Ireland and even in modern Ireland it is something you either take for granted or actively suppress until you need it. But if you […]