I’d really like to take a look at the vagus nerve in this article. It seems to be having a moment in all mind/body modalities and we hear the term bandied about frequently, but what exactly is it, why is it important and how best can we optimise its functioning […]
How has 2025 commenced for you? Are you someone who relishes the thought of a fresh start to a new year, throwing yourself with gusto into new plans and regimens or are you more likely to be seen trudging through the chilly bleak days of January just hoping to get […]
TMS is know as Tension Myocitis Syndrome or Mindbody syndrome, a term first coined by Dr John Sarno, a medical doctor practicing in America in the 1970s, who pioneered work in the field of psychogenic pain or, as its come to be known, mind-body pain. His method to help cure […]
October is breast cancer awareness month and with statistics stating that one in seven women in Ireland will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, it is a rare person that has not had their life touched by it in some way, either personally or through someone they love […]
What does it take to be happy? In this world where we have never had more comfort and ease, the rates of anxiety climb year on year. As I sit here contemplating the many factors that contribute to this, the sun is beaming in through the open door and birdsong […]
In recent articles I have been examining how diet and lifestyle impact our bodies in relation to inflammation and chronic pain. Today I want to examine the importance of our fascial network for our overall well-being, both mentally and physically and suggest some ways we can support this incredible system. […]