West Cork artists release song in honour of Brigid

Songwriters Aine O’Gorman (l) and Victoria Keating pictured on Dunworley beach in flower crowns created by Alice Halliday. Pic: Pat O’Doyne

Acclaimed singer-songwriters Victoria Keating and Aine O’Gorman have just released a song, on February 1, in honour of Brigid, the female patron saint of Ireland. The West Cork artists said they are thrilled to be releasing it on the first year that Brigid will be officially acknowledged with a national holiday. The first in a trilogy, the song is called ‘Brigid Part 1: Becoming’.

Victoria Keating has  toured and recorded extensively with Christy Moore and Declan Sinnott and has also carved a name for herself  as a solo artist: Four of her songs have been on the “Radio 1 Recommends” playlist. She is currently recording her debut album; a concept album with Brian Casey.

Aine O’Gorman has released five singles and has had a huge emotional reaction both here and internationally. Her  last song ‘These Empty Rooms’ made the top five of the year’s best tracks on three different radio shows.

In March 2017 the bodies of 796 babies and children were found in a septic tank on the grounds of the Tuam Mother and Baby Home. Victoria and Aine wrote ‘The Poor Ground’ as a response to this and released it on Irish Radio to huge success and impact.

Christy Moore said of this collaboration, “The Poor Ground’ “beautiful… terrible… the beauty holds me there as the horror unfolds….a tour de force”.

Victoria and Aine are talented artists in their own right, but together, they create magic. Their voices together are spellbinding. They write and sing from the heart making every live performance a wonderful experience. They are passionate about performing, writing and bringing live music to as many spaces as possible with grace, kindness and lots of humour.

WCP Staff

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A wet start to 2023

Fri Feb 10 , 2023
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