Green Party MEPs endorse Programme for Government and urge party members to vote yes

Green Party MEPs Grace O’Sullivan and Ciarán Cuffe

Ireland’s two Green Party MEPs Grace O’Sullivan and Ciarán Cuffe have endorsed the proposed Programme for Government and urged Party members to vote Yes.  Speaking today they acknowledged that Government could be difficult, but stated that there was an historic opportunity to shape policy in the years ahead.

Ciarán Cuffe MEP for Dublin said:

“Participation in Government is tough, but there is an historic opportunity to frame policies that put Ireland on a more sustainable path. As the European Union implements the European Green Deal the presence of Irish Green voices at European Council meetings can make a significant difference in the detail of European Directives that will shape Ireland’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. There will never be a perfect time, or a perfect political alignment in politics, but at a moment when the Irish people have voted in their greatest numbers for Green candidates it is a time to participate in Government

Grace O’Sullivan MEP for Ireland South said:

“The Greens share power in many other European countries. In Austria, Finland, Sweden and Luxembourg Green voices are present at the cabinet table when decisions are being made. Over the last year we have worked with colleagues from the Greens/EFA grouping, but also from other parties to shape European policy. It makes sense to do so at home. Of course Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael would not be seen as our natural allies, but politics is the art of the possible, and we are prepared to work together and deliver a Programme that can shape Ireland’s low-carbon future.

WCP Staff

WCP Staff Writer

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Discover the diverse world of microbes for World Microbiome Day

Mon Jun 22 , 2020
Variety is the spice of life and this is certainly true when it comes to microbiomes – the communities of bacteria, fungi and viruses that are found just about everywhere. That’s why the theme for this year’s World Microbiome Day is diversity. Join in the celebration of diversity of microbes, […]
