The internet abounds with what people are calling ‘Bio-hacks’, meaning Do-It-Yourself ways of improving health and wellbeing. Here are three of my favourite health boosts – cheap and easy; in my opinion, these are the perfect DIY health hacks for a healthy and graceful middle age.  1. Flaxseeds Flax seeds […]

Almost all happiness research states that people tend to be more happy the older they get. The curve often starts around 50 and by 60 and 70, people are remarkably happier than their peers in their 20s and 40s.  This increasing feeling of happiness and contentment as we grow older […]

This month the big sky story is all about the eclipses. These occur several times a  year when the Sun, Moon and Earth line up. At New Moon the Sun is temporarily obscured by the Moon creating a Solar eclipse. At Full Moon the Earth is between the Sun and […]

For the month of July art and geography combine in two distinctly different exhibitions at Blue House Gallery, Schull. Firstly, artists from the now long established D.I.T Degree Course on Sherkin Island will be shown in an exhibition that charts the development of this singular initiative in bringing third level […]
