Local Coastal Development projects benefit from Fisheries and Local Areas Grant (FLAG)

Cork South West Deputy Christopher O’Sullivan has offered his congratulations to five local area projects that have been awarded funding under the government’s FLAG scheme. 

Dursey Boat Trips, The Fresh Fish Deli, Bantry Bay Boat Hire Ltd, Courtmacsherry’s The Lobster’s Tale and Myross Rowing Club were last week awarded funding under the long running scheme.

“I want to congratulate these businesses and community based projects for their successful applications,” Deputy O’Sullivan said on Monday.

“The funding will help these already wonderful businesses and community based projects further contribute to the economic wellbeing of our fishing communities.

“Our coastline is our biggest asset. I’ve always said it needs more investment and this is a small start.”

FLAG is a coastal community development strategy with a fund of €12 million for 7 designated Irish coastal communities.

Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), the Seafood Development Agency, assists FLAGs to deliver this scheme through administering supports via grant-aid, training and on the ground facilitation, with dedicated regional FLAG coordinators in each region.

WCP Staff

WCP Staff Writer

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Holly Cairns highlights incredibly low rates of wildlife crime prosecutions   

Wed Jul 29 , 2020
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