Senator Lombard honoured to be re-elected to Seanad Éireann

Last week Cork Senator Tim Lombard was elected to Seanad Éireann on the Agriculture panel along with 2 of his Fine Gael colleagues. 

Speaking of the result Senator Lombard said: “I am honoured to be re-elected to Seanad Éireann and would like to thank all those who supported me, including the Munster Agricultural Society who nominated me for the role. This result has given me the opportunity to continue the work I have been doing during my time in the Seanad and I am looking forward to playing my part in the uncertain times ahead.

“It was very important to me that West Cork retain high levels of representation in the Oireachtas, particularly due to the uncertainty surrounding the fallout of the COVID pandemic, and retaining my seat in the Upper House will ensure our local communities are amply represented.

“We are in a period of evolution and there are a number of challenges facing Ireland already in 2020 so I look forward to taking up this challenge and being an effective voice for progress in the new Government as a member of Seanad Éireann.”

WCP Staff

WCP Staff Writer

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Law Society publishes new guidance for separated parents and family law solicitors in Cork on issues of access during Covid-19 restrictions

Tue Apr 7 , 2020
The Law Society of Ireland, in collaboration with the Family Lawyers Association, has developed new guidance for parents and solicitors in Cork in relation to access in the context of Covid-19 restrictions.  Solicitor Helen Coughlan, chair of the Law Society’s Family and Child Law Committee, explains, “The Covid-19 pandemic cannot […]
