Teertha Ordish wears many hats: The psychospiritual shamanic and tantric guide is also an empowerment and conscious sexuality educator; intimacy, relationship and pleasure coach; and personal growth catalyst, and bodyworker. All of these roles involve working with individuals, couples and groups through personal sessions, journeys, trainings and workshops, where she empowers her clients and participants to create real lasting changes for themselves, their relationships and their lives.
“From a shamanic understanding of the nature of reality, when you carry unresolved trauma and believe non-truths about yourself whilst identifying with limiting belief systems about your place in the world and what’s possible for you, you are subconsciously restricting the natural flow of your life force/chi/kundalini/prana,” she says. “When this happens you feel separated from yourself and the natural world around you, because basically you have disconnected from your essence; the most sacred, natural part of yourself.
“Limiting your life force causes energetic blocks in the electromagnetic/luminous field, which (when left unresolved) will begin to cause adverse symptoms in the physical body. Even more challenging is that when you feel detached from yourself and your naturalness, it’s impossible to feel truly in touch with others,” explains Teertha.
Thankfully however, according to Teertha, we can learn to rewire.
“We can train to become more conscious, to begin to identify with and create new belief systems that create powerful and productive results in our lives and our relationships. We can learn to heal and grow on multiple dimensions, including emotionally and spiritually, far beyond the reaches of what’s possible in talk-therapy alone.”
Teertha explains that, “When you let go of shame and stop believing there is something wrong with you, with your limits, or what you desire, it quietens the mental chatter and enhances your ability to fully embody your authentic self. True self acceptance reveals you are a gift, and so is your life. It is exciting and wonderful to discover all the possible ways you can express that gift, for yourself and for others.”
Teertha is currently co-developing ‘Somatic Consent UK and Ireland’. This is a training system and personal development journey that ripples into all aspects of life. Its foundation centres around an engagement system that teaches how to make empowered choices, to learn about consent and boundaries, to become aware of unconscious behaviours used as survival strategies. It teaches you how to stop bypassing yourself and giving your power away; to rewire and learn to feel more (including pleasure); to understand connection, safety and the nervous system; to learn new communication skills, and to learn how conscious, consensual, desired touch can be a true gift for you and your body.
“As a baby, touch is the first language of communication. It links us to our body and our feeling centres. Desiring touch and physical contact is one of the most natural things for a human. Yet many people feel shame and are frightened of judgement for these natural feelings, and are therefore deprived of the touch they need to regulate and calm their nervous system,” explains Teertha.
Teertha teaches this personal development work as both a personal journey and a group training. She will be running the next in-person group foundation training of the methods of Somatic Consent in Ireland in March. There will be a residential weekend option (location to be confirmed) and a six-week course, one evening per week over six weeks in Ballydehob, also starting in March. For more information, check out: www.teerthaordish.com/events/
To book in for the training or if you would like to arrange an appointment for a consultation to see how Teertha can support or guide you, you can contact her at: info@teerthaordish.com