February Sun Signs

This is a quiet month in astrological terms. That doesn’t mean nothing is happening, it‘s just that things are running along without the speed bumps, potholes and diversions we experience in previous months. 

February brings Imbolc which is the first cross-quarter day of the year and heralds the spring season. It’s a sign of new beginnings and marks the point halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Astrologically it occurs on February 4 this year, but we usually celebrate the event on February 1 as St Brigid’s day.

There are several other reasons to celebrate and enjoy the early February season. We start the month with no planet retrograde and this continues until late April. Without any resistance or looking backwards, we can focus on the path ahead as life unfolds at a manageable pace. 

The main stars this month are Venus in Pisces joined with Neptune giving St Valentine’s day an extra dose of romance; and Saturn, as it connects with the Sun mid-month, brings a level of realism to the situation. 

The Full Moon on the 5th in Leo is a great time to think big and embrace an unexpected new idea or plan as the wild card planet Uranus puts a spark into this Moon phase. It could bring a few surprises to the surface that allow for greater self-expression. It is also a moment when both the love planets Venus and Mars are in a challenging square aspect which can add a touch of edgy energy over these couple of days. The need to get your feelings across could become a passionate outburst or a heartfelt disclosure. 

Venus is the planet of love and connection, affection and sharing. Pisces is the most mystical and otherworldly sign. It brings a creative, intuitive approach to life without being too hung up on the practicalities. Neptune is the planet of our spiritual yearnings and the desire to reach for a better place. So we can let go of the demands of everyday tasks and dream a little when Venus joins with Neptune on the 15th and in the few days beforehand the sense of romance is heightened as we feel the desire to merge with something, or someone lovely, and let go of our boundaries for a while. It can feel like anything is possible, and maybe it is!

On the following day, February 16, the Sun catches up with Saturn and this combination can indicate a moment of maturity and wisdom. This can be a time when we can see things more clearly, and make more responsible, thoughtful decisions. It is a great time to set realistic goals and make plans for the future. 

Venus moves into the next sign Aries, with the New Moon phase on the 20th. This brings a change of energy. The carefree dreamy fantasy focussed version of Venus now becomes a more determined independent and assertive force. If your dreams did not manifest through simply wishing for them this is the time to start taking action. Be more direct with the people or situations you want to be connected with. This New Moon in Pisces can be the moment to put the hopes and desires on the front burner and make it happen. 

The month ends just before Venus joins with Jupiter on March 2. These two are the most positive planets of the bunch and it’s a bit of a celebratory mood with this combination. This is a great time to do things in style, and you can be optimistic about the outcome of any venture you embark on. Be prepared to start the month of March on a high note. 

February has a Full Moon in 17 degrees Leo on the 5th at 6.28pm and a New Moon in two degrees Pisces on the 20th at 7.05am

Aries: You want to make your dreams a reality and any attempt to put into practice your hopes and ambitions will pay dividends this month. Your tendency to compromise and settle for less than you are capable of can be a problem. Tension results when you ignore your desires for achievement or acknowledgement. This Full Moon brings you a very creative phase so allow yourself time to be playful with any new ideas and inspiration you experience. You may then find that you’re actually on course, full steam ahead, for getting to where you want to be.

Taurus: Your feelings and sense of security may find you seeking seclusion for a time or losing yourself in memories. Events make it difficult to make good decisions concerning your life direction. However, it’s a good time to make some changes so you can reach new levels. The Full Moon shines on your home and private life, which could be very rewarding now. Circumstances may urge you to make a greater effort. But don’t overdo things or try to go too far too fast. Despite appearances things are working with, rather than against you, so don’t get overwhelmed. Let things take their natural course.

Gemini: The next two weeks are the perfect time to act on any impulses to better yourself. Take up a study course, make a journey, or just mix with people who are culturally different to you. A career opportunity or the chance to impress someone of importance is likely during this Full Moon phase. Giving extra attention to details and keeping up with everyday business could be time-consuming but the small things also contribute to the longer-term plan. Feeling good about yourself and what you are doing with your time ensures an improved sense of well-being. 

Cancer: This month is a time for getting down to business. Start by stripping away and discarding non-essential items, memories and old habits. It’s a good time to put the past behind you as you’re likely to be less sentimental during the next weeks. Keep moving onwards, concentrating on the important things. Use your imagination and follow your intuition as you focus on your goals and ambitions around the Full Moon. The drive to improve your finances and material security is strong now and you could find some welcome inspiration for a new direction or possibility you hadn’t previously considered.

Leo: You want to assert yourself and take the lead now. You may not always get full support from others as you tend to create resistance in those around you. Some may even find you unusually overbearing, as your enthusiasm runs counter to whatever is wanted by them. Your basic energy and vital principles are strong around the Full Moon so you will soon manage to charm even the most obstinate. Your desire to get out and about to express yourself could find you enjoying an extra busy social scene later this month. 

Virgo: You’re sorting through the experiences of the last several months, separating the precious from the worthless, salvaging what you can. These next two weeks are a time of self-examination. You want to get things right and contribute something worthwhile. You are happy to take on new opportunities now. Make time to talk things through and you may find sincere understanding coming from friends or co-workers. The needed support will be offered if they see your true intention is to be helpful and give something of yourself. Taking care of your needs both spiritually and physically is a balancing act you can achieve now.

Libra: Your attention will be on improving and making the best of the current situation in the next week. Try to bring an unusual twist or insight to anything you have to accomplish now. During the Full Moon phase, you can reap rewards from past efforts. There is strong support and goodwill from those around you. Remember though that not everyone is ready to make the required changes at the same time as you. Your vision is probably further-reaching than theirs and includes the broader issues. After the 15th you will see your creativity increase and have an enhanced sense of enjoyment.

Scorpio: You’ve created a solid base to build on in recent weeks so now decide how you can make it work to your benefit. You know what your limits are and it’s time to move forward. Now you can see what was holding you back. This next phase marks a welcome end to so much self-questioning and uncertain feelings. Emotional issues may not be your priority as you approach this Full Moon so if you encounter a cold shoulder, don’t be surprised. Misunderstandings can be the result of having a different agenda but the later part of the month will see improved communications.

Sagittarius: The coming Full Moon is the culmination of energies from the past two weeks so now you can push on toward whatever goals you have in mind. Whilst you have the right mood compelling you, it’s a good time to adopt a new approach. You want to improve your position and are willing to take advice or seek extra knowledge. There may be additional details, communications or travelling to attend to but keep your focus on the bigger picture. Backed up by so much strong energy you are likely to feel an incredible drive to accomplish and achieve in life.

Capricorn: You find yourself thinking about your needs concerning the others in your life and how much time you have to offer them. Consider how much your physical needs and personal resources are already tied up. You’ll need a balance so no one feels overly indebted. This Full Moon you’ll have the courage to do some serious mental or physical housecleaning. Throw out any useless things you’ve been hoarding and make some space in your life. The burst of freedom will do you good and make it easier to keep things in perspective.

Aquarius: With the Sun in your sign and this Month’s Full Moon focus on your house of relationships it’s no surprise that you want to take a fresh look at your close associations. You’re inclined to let go of anything you believe to be holding you back or simply uninspiring. Find a balance between the individual or personal concerns and any desire you have to be of help or service. Doubts fade into the background as a new sense of self, a more assertive personal style and a more dynamic approach to life will emerge now. Your relationships need to reflect this energy so everyone gets a good deal.

Pisces: This month is a time of change. You have been considering your foundations, responsibilities and basic security needs. Your practical sense is enhanced and you can make difficult decisions affecting your material welfare. What you willingly sacrifice now will be more than repaid with an increased ability to make your dreams a reality later. The Full Moon will intensify any effort on your part to improve your health, diet, and physical condition. Being of service to others or taking on extra responsibilities this month will prove to have been an investment in your future in the long run.

Kate Arbon

Kate Arbon is a professional Astrologer based in West Cork.

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Wed Feb 8 , 2023
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